Wednesday, November 11, 2009


There are times in a person’s life where we are almost forced to pause and take stock of our life thus far, these time seem to be around major life events, may it be the start of adult life, firstborn child, death of a loved one, or even growing old. It is at the times that life says ‘stop, think, reflect’ and it allows us the serenity and clarity to see things we may not have seen before. For myself, one of these times has been spread out over the course about about six months, a time marked my flagrant self-destruction. Wether it be for fear of facing the stock of my life or the wanton disregard for the impetus of change, the self-destructive path has ended at once of these very moments of serenity.

Serenity, the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled. This word seems almost ironic to use as a statement of being at the end of a tumultuous time in life, but truthfully it is the best word to be used. Everyday we fight the pressures around us, telling ourselves that “we can handle it,” that it’s just “one more day, one more hour, one more minute” and I’ll be free. But that’s just it, we await freedom like it is something that will only come if we are in expectation of it when in reality, it always there. It is there in a morning cup of coffee, a young child running through the grass, the Summer breeze as it bursts off the ocean waves, the Autumn leaves falling to the earth with an almost supernatural slowness, in the embrace of a dear friend. These are the moments of freedom, these are the moments we need to cherish and recognize for what they are. Without these we are mere wraiths of human beings going through the daily motions of life, forever captive by our own dismal illusion.

It is time we push back, push back against those force pressing in on us, trying to convince us we have already lost this battle. It is time to stand and say “No, I will not relapse into darkness.” Not when when there is a chance at light and beauty, the fool is the one who gives up and drowns in the darkness without first trying to stand and find the ground only 3 feet below the surface. We are stronger than we seem, we cannot let stress or worries or even people get us down.

Granted there are those out there who would will us to fail, to claim to be there for us and in reality are only there to watch us drown. These are the ones that are doomed to fall, for they have yet to reach a place of serenity of there own. But know this, when they do they fall harder and farther than ever you have and will not come out of it unchanged, for how does a girl fall down a rabbit hole and come out unchanged, the answer? She doesn’t. Each of us will in time come to terms with our thoughts and actions, but until then we can only focus on what we do on a daily basis. Will we be the ones there to offer the freedom held within an embrace or will become like the very one who sought to keep us down? The question is posed to each of us and the answer can only be found within. As for myself, I do believe this moment of clarity, this state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled after such an onslaught of pain has taught me one thing, I shall stand, I shall push back, and I shall survive. I will live.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cruise Photos/Videos

So since I can't figure out how to post videos onto picasa, I've put them up here. The videos are of Danny, Jimmy, and Emma jumping off this concrete pier we found in Nassau, (well basically the 'ghetto' of Nassau) but it was cool nonetheless. I hope you like them, it was a lot of fun. We even made some new friends, "I've just got one question for you, are you good?"

This first one is of Danny and the locals jumping. The second is Jimmy, Emma, and a few more locals.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Nnerf What You Say

Ok, so since there's now a link on Jimmy's page to all of our crazy vids. Here's the first one that kinda started it all. It's a parody of the SNL parody of the series finale of the OC. If you want to see the SNL version just google "Dear Sister, SNL" and look at any of those. Ok, well hope you all enjoy! 

Oh and as a side note, if anyone out there knows how to use Final Cut Pro, or understands some of the technicalities that are TOTALLY foreign to me, let me know. I just got it and don't know what to do with it, but it looks awesome, I know you CAN do a lot with it, provided you're not an ignoramus like myself. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

PureWave Presentation Update

Hey everyone, my PureWave presentation went AWESOME! Especially the commercial, my professor thought we had actually found a clip from the National Spelling Bee of a girl spelling acrylamide. :D Yay for professionalism. We had a couple technical difficulties, but YouTube actually came through for us. But thanks again to everyone who helped out on it, Jensen, Jimmy, Emma, Tony, Gianna,  Jairus, and everyone else that spent the day waiting to shoot it that night. You are all awesomely awesome people. I'll update you with the grade when we find out next Thursday. 

Monday, April 14, 2008

One Word

No epic or insightful words of wisdom, no videos to laugh at (since most videos are jokes), no unanswered questions, just one word: breathe. Everyone needs a moment to breathe, so take this opportunity and try it, it's helpful. ;-) Have a great day!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

PureWave Water Bottle Commercial

Here's a commercial I had to film as part of an advertising campaign I did for school. Let me know what you think? It's a water bottle with a built in filter that removes over 60 contaminants commonly found in tap water. It is a real product that you can buy, just google "Better Water Drinking Water Filter with Corn-Based Resin Bottle." (Yea, that's why we renamed it) And you might not want to actually buy it, since I ordered one and they're having trouble with the manufacturing and shipping and stuff. Anywho enjoy the commercial.

Thanks again to everyone who helped out in filming it, I think it turned out great, let's hope for an A. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Adventures of E & D - Part 2

Here's the second half of our trek. We actually survived all the moments of "almost dying," so go us! Be on the lookout for further episodes of the Adventures of ED. 

Monday, April 7, 2008

The Adventures of E & D - Road Trip a la Night Vision

So since ringo is being uber dumb right now, here comes plan B. I'll see if I can get them on ringo at some point but until then, enjoy the car ride home from Melbourne to UCF.